What is the right TV to use inside a Hotel Room?

We think that a regular TV which we use at our homes are being used inside a Hotel room. No. That’s not true. We use something called a Hospitality TV which looks like a normal TV but does more than a normal TV.

Hospitality TV is something where once you switch on your TV, the Hotels Logo & 30 Seconds video will be played. Only then the Hotel Guest can watch the regular channels. In addition to that, these TV have a Bluetooth connectivity, by which a guest can connect their devices and listen to songs. The best part is, the TV can act as a Wifi hotspot connecting to the devices of the guests within the room alone which means better security for both the Hotels as well as the guests

In certain star Hotels the guest would like to listen to the news or songs while taking a shower. These TVs has a feature where the person watching the TV can also listen to it and the person taking the shower can listen to it with an add on speakers in the bathrooms. This is a very unique feature of the TV.

The main highlight of this TV is the Start up Volume & Volume Capping. When a guest checks out & switches OFF a TV at a volume level of 75, the new guest checking in, when he switches ON the TV will be shaken up when he hears such a loud noise. This is completely addressed by start up volume. Where at whatever volume we switch OFF the TV, we can set a starting volume, say level 10, 5 or 0 so that its not a very loud noise and a disturbance to anyone.

There is also volume capping feature by which one guest does not disturb another guest in the next room by watching the TV with a very high-volume level. Here the Hotel management can keep a volume capping of say 50, so that even if the guest tries to increase the volume, the volume level doesn’t shoot up more than 50.

So a Hospitality TV is more than a TV and being most preferred by all the Star Hotels & Resorts. Now the same is being adapted in a mid-size & small-size hotels, lodges, mansions, service apartments etc.